Saturday, September 30, 2006

Ladies Night - September

It's been a while since the last Ladies Night get together..... Booty hosted this evening at her new house (now so new anymore - she bought it in April) and has been doing some renovating/updating since before she moved in. It was myself, Dreads, Legs, Booty and another friend (no nickname as yet). It was small... we had finger food and wine of course... this time we were good between the 5 of us we only made it through 3.5 bottles of wine. I am feeling quite nice at the moment.

It was announced that Dreads is getting married May 2007..... so now that is another wedding to get ready for. My first begins with April 07, then May 07 then August 07, it is going to be a busy year. I need to get my arse in shape since i am going to need all the strength I can muster to keep up with all the stuff that is going to be happening next year.... mind you, next year is just a couple of short months away. The pressure. I need to find a date to these weddings, it would be quite sad to show up with no one. First I've got to get into shape and then find a man to escort me - the pressure - damn......

I am so happy for they all... they have found their special person... the one that makes that happy, makes them grown and make them love like they haven't loved before... I am so glad for them. Now I just need to find my own someone special.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Red Headed Slut!!!

Move over Alabama Slamma - the redheaded slut is the new sheriff in town. I met up with E last night for drinks and general mischief making, and we ended up at the Blarney Stone. I needed to get out... plus I got my hair did yesterday as well...I looked so good. I looked so god - Was rocking the sexybitch hard. Anyway... the blarney stone was fun only because E had me laughing my arse off....Definitely a good drinking buddy (she is a cool chick all around, but especially so when she's had a couple). Considering the bar overflowed with SB's and not attractive men, it was still a good time. Not one single flirt, no one bought us drinks, no looks, no nothing. WTF is wrong with men. I mean seriously.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Someone sent this email to me today!!!

I totally agree with it..... and yes I am one of the ones waiting (not so patiently at the top).

-----------are like apples------
-------on trees. The best ones-----
-----are at the top of the tree.-----
---The boys dont want to reach---
--for the good ones because they--
-are afraid of falling and getting hurt.-
-Instead, they get the rotten apples-
from the ground that aren't as good,
but easy. So the apples up top think
something is wrong w/ them when in
-reality they're amazing. They just--
---have to wait for the right boy to ----
come along, the one who is
------- brave enough to-------
------------climb all------------
--------------the way-------------
-------------to the top------------
-----------of the tree.---------

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Why am I having annoying days... I would really like to know. To be quite honest... Everything in the world seems to be bothering me lately.... The project I am working on, the face that sucks, and to top it all off - I am breaking out like a teenager. Go figure.

What is it - I never had an acne problem before - I mean a few pimples hear and there but now my face look bad, really bad. I just started using proactiv again an I am hoping that it works. But damn it I've made an appointment to get my face checked. - don't even get me started...Shoes do you hear me - Sexy f***ing shoes. They could be on my feet now. Yes it is official I am an arse.

I don't even what to talk about the project - it is too damn depressing.

Oh well... Sorry for the rant but I needed to vent - and you don't know me so you can't judge

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Today is a Jose C. Day

Yeah... What a day what a day. A 2-3 shots of Jose day. I shall not bore you with the details but I need to be distracted in a big way.

So what can I say. I am trying but my patience is wearing thin. So you see a guy you think you want to met... Going by the pictures he's posted and the stuff he wrote... Oh he seems to be interesting. So you wink and wait. And you wait and wait... And each time you sign in you are reminded that that person did not have to courtesy to say "Thanks but no thanks". Then you get emails the length of a master's thesis that make your eyes glaze over. Now, mind you I have not problem with getting your shit out there in the beginning.. But you I need to know that you like squirrels... Hell no. Normal people most often referred to time pasing in days, weeks, months, even years. Not Winters... Who the hell talks like that. Oh, but I guess that there is something in my profile that screams.... Yes squirrel boy pick me, pick me.

Then there are the beautiful people. The cute (actually Hot is a better way to descibe them physically) guys who are only looking for skinny bitches. Apparently they don't want them either cause if you did not realize - You are using just like me fella. So get the fuck of your high horse and talk to the girls that may be interested in you. Cause you know what you may be hot but you could have personality of prick. So Be nice, you never know when you are going to need a fluffly chick to call 911 for your ass when the skinny bitch fucks you over.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Slap Me

I've done something that I am beginning to regret - Yes, I joined again. Am I an ass or what. I guess I am glutton for punishment. I guess I just love being rejected by total stranger. (subconsciously that is). I was fine with it the day I signed up but today I am not feel it at all.

I guess since they have my money, I should make the best of it. The man pool is very murky, like some dropped a load in the water.... I am just seeing crap. Maybe I am a shallow bitch, who know. But damn it, if I am going to look at you everyday - I want some eye candy - if that makes me a shallow bitch - I'll wear it proudly. I am a good catch...If you did not get the memo - I am on Sexy Bitch and I ain't settling or lowering my standards for no one... If he don't measure up - he can kiss my big black ass and move to fuck on. I am a grown ass woman who has is intelligent, cute, and confident with who she is after all the shit she's had to deal with in her life. So if this is what I have to do to put myself out there then so be it.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Change is a coming!!!!!

So, I've decided to make some changes in my life. I am working on the internal me and now I've taken a couple steps with the external me. About 2 weeks ago, I change my hair color - I went from brown (which really was the sun having its way with my black hair).... To red under tones and copper highlights. I've also for the first time in my life (I swore I could never touch my eyebrows) I had my eyebrows done. I can honestly say it makes a big difference. I have a couple more things in the works but will hold off tell you about them until I'm ready to unveil them. **Hint, Hint - the girls***