Friday, October 20, 2006

My New Skill

Well….Today I found out that I am psychic. Yeah me, psychic can you believe it. Here is the story.

So I went out with this guy… had a really nice time and he apparently did as well… He said he’d call. I emailed him the next day to say thank you for the date and I got this reply: I get a reply: “I had a nice time as well. We will have to do it again. Have a good weekend”. I took that to mean yeah there might be a second date. (Mistake 1)

So after a week goes by and no call, I just t assumed that he was busy. (Mistake 2) So I being the girl, emailed him just to make sure I was not mistaken that there was some sort of interest. I sent a quick email asking how his weekend was and brought up something from our conversation… He replied back and asked how my weekend was. So again I assumed (mistake 3) maybe there is something there. Ok so I replied, and got another reply. So I being an independent woman – just went for it and send an email asking him out. Yeah I did it. That was last week. And today this is the email I got:

"Sorry I haven't written you back. As you probably figured out I have also been dating someone else and I think I want to see where that will go.I had a nice time with you and think you are attractive and a nice person.Good luck."

Well blow me down….. I am psychic. Yeah me, psychic can you believe it. So many things were floating around in my head from not replying to something over the top. But being the level headed “sexy bitch” that I am. I made it short and sweet…. “Sorry….maybe my psychic ability was on vacation… Have Fun and Good Luck to you.

Yeah me, psychic. I am still coming to terms with it.

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