Thursday, May 14, 2009


Idiots Rule the World............................

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oh, that is just the way he is!!!!!

Why is it acceptable for some people to behave nasty and have it chalked up to personality? Since when was rudeness become a personality trait? I mean really. That is no excuse for being a bitch, cantankerous, and downright obnoxious. So why is it acceptable in some cases and not in others. Personally I have very litte tolerance for it. Do bring that shit to me because I will not stand for it.

Oh, that is just the way he is...... bullshit.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Something to Think About

Today I missed my train. Which would not be a big deal on a normal day, but today I ended up taking the last train home. I had to wait an hour and a half for that train. I started to think, who could I call to give me a ride home (since I now live in 30 minutes south of Boston) on a snowy night. And I came to a sad realization, there was no one.

The weird thing is that I have a lot of people in my life. I have a bunch of friends and a few family members very close. And as I thought about who would actually come out in the snow if I asked, I was overcome with great sadness. No one, a friend who I thought would go above and beyond simply made an excuse and that was that.

I am always there when someone is in need. I go out of my way most of the time to accommodate them and yet, when I am in need none of those people are there for me. How utterly sad and depressing. Now that is something to think about long and hard as I move forward. Who will be there for me?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It is suppose to move you!!!!

Why do people walk up and down escalators?

As far as I can tell (with my highly developed skill of observing) it was designed to move you up and down. Now, there a stairs right next to eh escalator. Why not use them, they were designed to utilize human power to work.

I've recently be come a commuter again. I am at the mercy of the MBTA (I have mixed emotions about that). And I've notice that when I take the escalator people get really mad if I actually get on and let at carry me to the bottom or the top. I mean, I don't run for the train. There is no reason... If I am already late what is running going to do? I won't suddenly be on time. And if I am early, well damn it, I am early.

I am gonna let it carry to the bottom or the top. If I wanted to do it myself I would take the stairs. So, people when I am on the escalator at the train station don't expect me to move.