Thursday, September 14, 2006

Today is a Jose C. Day

Yeah... What a day what a day. A 2-3 shots of Jose day. I shall not bore you with the details but I need to be distracted in a big way.

So what can I say. I am trying but my patience is wearing thin. So you see a guy you think you want to met... Going by the pictures he's posted and the stuff he wrote... Oh he seems to be interesting. So you wink and wait. And you wait and wait... And each time you sign in you are reminded that that person did not have to courtesy to say "Thanks but no thanks". Then you get emails the length of a master's thesis that make your eyes glaze over. Now, mind you I have not problem with getting your shit out there in the beginning.. But you I need to know that you like squirrels... Hell no. Normal people most often referred to time pasing in days, weeks, months, even years. Not Winters... Who the hell talks like that. Oh, but I guess that there is something in my profile that screams.... Yes squirrel boy pick me, pick me.

Then there are the beautiful people. The cute (actually Hot is a better way to descibe them physically) guys who are only looking for skinny bitches. Apparently they don't want them either cause if you did not realize - You are using just like me fella. So get the fuck of your high horse and talk to the girls that may be interested in you. Cause you know what you may be hot but you could have personality of prick. So Be nice, you never know when you are going to need a fluffly chick to call 911 for your ass when the skinny bitch fucks you over.

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