Friday, December 01, 2006

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!!!!!

Well... I had big plans for the 34th year of my life. I set a nice goal for myself (at least one that I thought was attainable)..... I wanted to look a certain way, feel a certain way, do certain things, be certain places. And as you may have guessed from the entry.... Nothing happened the way I thought.....

First of all - I was not able to fit in to the outfit that I said I would wear on my birthday (circumstances beyond my control I have to concede).... I did not really stick to my work out plan, I did loose a few pounds, but not enough to make a significant difference in the outfit. And to be quite honest, the wait lost was completely due to the fact that I have been sick for the last month or so and have not be able to eat much.

Secondly - I did not have all of my friends with me when I celebrated this year. Last year was a complete surprise that my sister pulled together a party without my knowledge and I was most shocked that she was able to get a few of my closest friends to attend the gathering at my house. I did have one really really good friend who saved the day for me.... And to her I am forever and always be indebted to her for doing that.

So here is how the day went today:
Up about 11am (still sick) did not fell much like eating anything.... grabbed a cup of tea and that was about it. Checked my email - a couple of my friends send my e-cards...I did get a couple of calls as well.... Ended up having to run an errand for my mother and sister... but the second errand was very fruitful - got me a sweet pair of diamond earrings and a dolphin bracelet out of that one (awesome right).... Well one was a gift to myself (honestly i have given up waiting for people to buy me stuff - so if i see it and like it - damn it i am getting it). After that, got into a small fight with my mother - she was being a pain in the arse as usual.... Anyway, trying not to think about how sucky the day had going so far... I kept focus on my new jewelry and smiled all the way home. When i got home and realized that no-one was calling to say - hey it's your birthday i will be there to pick you up in a minute - i started to get gloomy again. The mother baked me a rum cake (which was awesome) and the sister got me an ice cream cake - which the baby decided to eat with her we had to work quickly to light the candles and sing the song. That done - i realize that it was almost 7 pm and I had not heard from one of my bestest friends in the world. I had seen an email from her earlier in the day but not directly to me. So I figured the e-card was held up for some reason... then the fact that it was after work and she still had not called me, I picked up the phone and did what I had to do. So I called her....... her reply - "oh my god, i completely forgot" Well there you have it. She said that we should home she ate and have some wine and then suggested that i come over to her house (she apparently was in no condition to drive). I decided that is not how i wanted to spend the remainder of my birthday that way - so i said my good byes and that was that.

Meanwhile - back at Casa de Insane - things were getting rather shaky when a person was invited who really should not have been invited. Anyway, cradle robbing should be a crime punishable by serious pain and torture. I needed to escape because of that and so I tired. I know that my other bestest girl was getting off work sometime after 9 so i called her to help me with my escape and true to form she came through for me with flying colors. She even made a cake for me (she is awesome). We went to dinner and have a couple of drinks.

I just got home - and had to record this day before I take my medicine. I really need to re-access my life as it is now and make a decision on what my next move will be. But I just need to make it through the next couple of days- I have a gathering tomorrow (well actually later today) and then a speed-dating event next week.......That should be some interesting entries... so stay tuned.

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