Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Interesting Information?

So I had a conversation with Pound Cake's brother the other night..... Well it wasn't really a conversation more I needed a man's perspective. I just wanted to know when men were so (let's just say) stupid. Why don't they realize that there are some fabulous single women just waiting to be romanced (myself and Pound Cake included, they are many others). Mind you we are all beautiful, educated, and just plain nice.

I do understand that he does not speak for the entire male population but I just need to get some incite. As we chatted, he said that one of the reason we don't have significant others was that we know too much. That (some) men don't like smart women. I guess we are just to smart for out own good and with that we just don't need me. He suggested that we switch teams... Yeah he said that… He did say something about us being partially desperate... That one I am still trying to figure out.

I am going to have to do some more research. So far this quite unsettling.

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