Thursday, April 27, 2006

So I've Decided....

I am going to have to step up my work out plan. I have to get myself ready for 2 weddings in 2007, one in April and the other in August. I am really out of shape, nice tits nice ass but the inbetween needs some work. I am hoping to get down to a "buy a dress off the rack" size. Right now to get a hot dress in the color and style that I want I would have to pay an arm, a leg and maybe sell myself on the corner.

I've been working out about 3-4 day a week for the last couple of weeks and I am feeling good. I started without realizing that I need to get a special case for the girls. I made the mistake of jumping while doing taebo for the first time. That was not pretty, lets just say the girls were crying bloody murder. There is something to be said for a good workout... I tend to zone out, pretty much not think about anything, and with the right musical stimulation.. I could go on for hours.

So I have a ways to go... I am on a long term program. Do a little each day and a year from now I will be where I want to be.

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