Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Crazy Ass Drivers

What the hell is wrong with people... Don't they understand that a car can hurt people. I was on my way home a little while ago... Minding my own damn business when the car was just driving in the middle of the damn road... I mean, I understand that there were parked cars on the side of the road and you should avoid them, but which would you rather hit... Another moving vehicle or a parked car. I would opt for the parked car. So fine, I did my best to get out of the way (that is without hitting the sidewalk)...

But then, another ass runs a stop sign and almost took me out... What the fuck!!! Was I not suppose to be outside today... I mean the kid (yes I mean kid, he looked like he was under 20) did not even blink or acknowledge what he just did... I mean, are they just giving licenses to anyone these days.

Well...Better I express my anger here than on the road.... Yes I think this medium is much better.

Damn if I don't have to go back outside in a little while - wish me luck

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