Sunday, May 21, 2006

Call me old fashioned

I've been told that I can be a bit intimidating (not know why because I am as sweet as ever)... Anyway... I got that most of my college career. Not so much as a working professional. But what is it all about? I have a nice smile, and I am very friendly - I guess I'll never really know why....

Anyway.... Yes I admit that I am a strong woman. Yes I know what I want and I've gone after it. I am the responsible, level headed on. I’m the one who makes decision and makes sure that they get implemented. What I want is to not be the dominant one when it comes to romance. I would like to be "wooed" it that is done these days. I don't want to be the one doing the chasing.... I think it would be nice to be chased for one in my life.

I know there are men out there who are fine with a strong independent woman, who is smart, honest, and easy on the eyes. Then WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY? Cause I have yet to see one. Maybe there are on an island in the middle of the pacific combing the beach trying to signal a plane. Or they are just too damn scared to admit that is what they really want?

1 comment:

Amy L said...

Where the hell are they indeed! Sigh.