Sunday, May 14, 2006

Things in my head...

Can't seem to get my mind to calm down. I have so many different things that I want to do that I am so overwhelmed I don't know where to begin. Why does that happen. I know exactly where I want to be but I can't seem to find a direct road that leads to it. Such a pain in the ass... I say a quote that said something like "this is no elevator to success, so you have to take the stairs..." that is so true... and God only know how many flight you have to walk to get to the top. An unfortunately, I am a bit out of shape so it is taking me a lot longer to make it up the stairs.

I am trying to keep a positive attitude... There are things that I know for certain... I can not avoid paying taxes and I am gonna die on day...Then there are things that I am sure about... I am gonna be successful - in business, in love and in life. I just need to be patient and take it one day at a time and the universe will reward me.

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